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I’m an abstract/ contemporary artist working with paint, mixed media, photography and found objects.

The fodder for my art-making: a love of abstract expressionism and colour field painting and a fascination with the vastness of time and the marvel that we exist.

There are two ways to live: as if nothing is a miracle, or as if everything is a miracle. (after Albert Einstein)


  • Thrilled to have two pieces juried into the 11th Annual InFocus Exhibition of Contemporary Photography, Wild Skies Art Gallery, Edmonton AB. Exhibition runs Feb 3 to April 24, 2025. All details at infocusphoto.ca
This Sweet Interlude I (14×11 in; 22×18 in. framed)
Charms and Divinations (caustic photo two-level assembly; 15×20 in; framed: 22×27 in)
  • Ongoing in the studio: This Is How It Goes: By Change and By Chance. An 800-day project. Idea: February 19, 2025, marked Day 600 of my project to model the passage of time and how natural change and complete chance cumulatively affect a life. For 600 days, starting July 1, 2023, I’ve been rolling a die on a “life” (a 36 X 36 inch, ever-changing work on paper) and cutting out a small disk from where the die lands. Pushing the idea: The stand-in life was in such good shape by day 400, the original goal, that on August 4, 2024, I set out to cast and live for another 400 days. New end date: September 8, 2025. Process: Daily cast a die on the paper surface and excise a small circle roughly proportional to the number cast (1-6). Date the piece and file it. Meantime, regularly modify the work’s surface by adding paint, collage and drawing according to whim, mood and necessary adaptation to sustain the slowly transforming life. Updates at: instagram.com/georgina.montgomery.art

The 400-day mark. Now on to 400 more. This Is How It Goes: By Change and By Chance

  • Ongoing in and out of the studio: I Was Here (Marking Time/This Moment This Place). Idea: In June 2024 at the Joya Art Residency in Spain, I set out to create a means of visually characterizing the ephemeral nature of a person’s time in a place. Process: I recorded my 2-week stay by creating a type of hand-stitched calendar/journal on semi-transparent fabric. In a parallel process, I took the piece out daily onto the surrounding properties and landscape, photographing it against the markers of geologic time and past human settlement and enterprise. Images and videos at: instagram.com/georgina.montgomery.art
In action, marking time. (Photo credit: Margo Farr)

  • I Was Here (Marking Time/This Moment This Place) (vers. 1.2). Pushing the idea: On a self-directed art project in southwest Wales, Sept/Oct 2024, I further explored this concept of visually characterizing the ephemeral nature of a person’s time in a place. This time I created a 3-week hand-stitched “timepiece” and captured its presence in the coastal landscapes and historic towns and villages . Images and videos at: instagram.com/georgina.montgomery.art
In action, marking more time. (Photo credit: Lawrence Pitt)

  • I Was Here (Marking Time/This Moment This Place) (vers. 1.3). Now underway: 12 Months on Mount Tzouhalem, started Nov 1, 2024. Images and videos at: instagram.com/georgina.montgomery.art
I Was Here (Geology)