A sample of works created by physically assembling single images from the Caustic Optimism project.
I pull these single moments in time together to create new forms—visual text block translations, montages, “memory weaves”— and so expand the narrative possibilities and depth of meaning of the work.
The Study • The Short Story • The Novella
This Sweet Interlude
20 paired photographs, archival pigment prints mounted on foamcore, c. 4.5 x 5.5 ft assembled. “(1) We are dropped safely ashore / (2) to contemplate the fundamental fact that our lives / … (6) will pass like the lives and loves and losses …” (Maria Popov)
As Predicted (assembly)_20x21.5 in [SOLD]
As Predicted (assembly)_20x21.5 in [SOLD]
Room for Not Knowing (assembly)_15x18.5 in [SOLD]
Room for Not Knowing (assembly)_15x18.5 in [SOLD]
A falcon, a storm, an unfinished song (assembly)_20x26.5 in (framed 28×36 in)
A falcon, a storm, an unfinished song (assembly)_20x26.5 in (framed 28×36 in). AVAILABLE
For the time being (assembly)_15x10 in [SOLD]
For the time being (assembly)_15x10 in [SOLD]
And I tell my heart, rave on
(assembly)_ 31.5×15 in (framed 40×22.5 in). AVAILABLE
The improvised life (assembly)_10x27.5 in (framed: 14×31.5 in)
The improvised life (assembly)_10x27.5 in (framed: 14×31.5 in). AVAILABLE
To luck at the bend in the road (assembly)_15x20 in [SOLD]
To luck at the bend in the road (assembly)_15x20 in [SOLD]
Building the ship as we sail it (assembly)_15x20 in (framed: 22×29 in)
Building the ship as we sail it (assembly)_15x20 in (framed: 22×29 in). AVAILABLE
Charms and divinations
(assembly)_15x20 in (framed: 22×27 in). AVAILABLE
Let evening come (assembly)_11x14 in [SOLD]
Let evening come (assembly)_11x14 in [SOLD]
Let this be my summertime (assembly)_18x21 in (framed 26×29)
Let this be my summertime (assembly)_18x21 in (framed 26×29). AVAILABLE
Caustic Optimism (2020)
12 paired images, printed on paper, c. 3.5 x 4.5 ft assembled. Based on 40+ single images (“studies”) taken over the stay-home period of March and April 2020. Studies were rephotographed in pairs (“short stories”) and then arranged in this sequence.